
Ways to Give Your Home a Refresh for the New Year

A new year is a great time to give your home a refresh and make it feel like new again. This is something I try to tackle every year after the holidays. I like to take down all my Christmas decor and set aside a couple of days to do some freshening up around the outside and inside of the house. There is just something about a little cleaning up that will make those winter blues a little better.

Here are a few things I try and do every year that helps hold me over until my big Spring cleaning.


On the top of my list is always decluttering. I love to go through each closet and pack away any clothes or items we no longer use. It’s a great time to make a trip to the local Goodwill or church clothing room.

I also try and empty out my fridge and panty with any items that need to go. I then take some time to organize each space. Other areas I like to declutter and organize are linen closets, underneath vanities, and even the dreaded junk drawer.

Clean Windows

I normally try and have my windows professionally cleaned a couple of times a year, but considering this is somewhat pricey, I do some touch-ups myself during this refresh time.

Not a full inside and out cleaning, just mostly inside windows, window seals, and all the porch windows outside that I can reach. This creates a cleaner look for any guests who are entering your home. Cleaner windows also allows for more natural light to enter the home. This should make anyone feel better.

Swipe Baseboards

Cleaning off the baseboards is something I rarely get to on a regular basis, but this time of year is a great time to go ahead and spend an extra hour or so doing this.

I normally just use a damp cloth and get down on my hands and knees and do it the old fashion way. A vacuum with a hose on it also works pretty well, but I like to make sure I am not just getting the dust. Using a damp cloth will also get any stains that may be lurking around.

Paint Touch-Ups/Magic Eraser

While I’m cleaning and refreshing, it is also a great time to do any minor paint touch-ups. This can be done with a small brush and the paint bucket itself. No need to even pour out of the bucket for this, it will not take long.

It’s amazing how a wall free of scuffs and marks can look so clean! As I mentioned on my Instagram Stories today, if you don’t have the paint or brush handy, most of the time, a magic eraser works just fine. I always use the eraser to get the mark off then go back and wipe off with a damp, clean, white rag. You do not want to use a colored rag due to fading on the wall.

Blow Off and Dust Off Outside Porch Areas

As far as the outside goes, I like to keep this to a minimum. Although doing a couple of things does make me feel much better. It will at least hold me over until the spring weather arrives.

I always like to go out and blow off all the porch areas and pick up any debris that may be lingering around. I then try and do quick dust off with a damp Swiffer to give clean look and feel.

Clean Up Garage

Last on this list, but normally top of mine at home is the garage. This consists of putting away unneeded things where they belong, blowing it out, and if it’s warm enough, a quick spray out. The spray out doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s always on the list.

Freshening up a little this time of the year helps keep down on it all piling up in the Spring. I don’t know about you, but it also makes me feel so much better.

Winter can often bring about those moods of depression and hibernation, but this refresh always uplifts my spirits and makes things a little more pleasant until warmer weather.

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  • Reply Susan

    Can you recommend a blower that is easy to use, we want to purchase one for our yard.

    January 9, 2020 at 3:11 pm
  • Reply Cassandra Young

    Hi! I just came across your page while on Pinterest😄 I love your style! I was wondering if you could tell me the brand and color of your porch door I love the wood next to the black framed windows! It’s beautiful. Thank you in advance!

    May 18, 2022 at 7:56 pm
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