I have a feeling that up until the moment we pull the trigger on the paint sprayer, we’ll still be looking for painted brick inspiration. Even though it seems simple enough, there are so many things to consider.
The thought of serving as your own contractor can be scary, but when you start to talk about saving money, it helps people get over that fear. Over the past sixteen years, we’ve served as our own contractor on several houses, and we’ve learned a lot! I won’t be able to tell you everything in this one article, but I’m going to share with you some of the most important things you need to do and remember when building your own house.
When it comes to home building or home renovations, there is no shortage of decisions to make. This part of the process can be fun but also very challenging. One of those decisions is whether or not to go with black windows. And when I say black windows, I’m obviously talking about the window frame, sash, and grilles – not the glass.
If you have been around here for a while, you might have noticed that I like to keep things simple and clean when it comes to home decor. So when it comes to styling the open shelves in our kitchen, the same rules apply.
I don’t know about you, but Henry and I love using greenery outside in pots and containers. We seriously have nearly twenty plants just in pots outside our home.
We have used them in places like between our garage doors, beside our pool, and next to our front and back doors. Plants in pots add a variety of visual interest to the outside of your home. They also can create a lot of curb appeal for your home.