Design Decisions

Add Curb Appeal by Choosing the Right Guttering

We normally think of guttering as only something that protects a home from rain, and it’s often an afterthought when it comes to the design of a home. Why not use something that is essential and turn it into a design element that enhances the look of your house?

When choosing guttering for your home, you can take one of two approaches: choose guttering that blends in or guttering that makes a statement.

On our current house, as you can see in the photo above, we chose to make our gutters blend in, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But for our new house, we’re taking the second approach.

If you’re also thinking about going this route, there are four characteristics of your guttering system to look at:

Color and Material Options

There are several types of guttering material that can be used on residential properties. We love the look of copper, and I would say it is our favorite. While copper isn’t the cheapest route, it does have many pros. It is durable, strong, and corrosion-resistant.

I have read that copper gutters can last over 100 years. It is an upfront expense that could save you down the road. Copper has a sophisticated color that, over time, reacts to the atmosphere to form a patina. Patina can range from blue, green, brown, and even black, depending on the surrounding environment.

Another option would be steel. Steel can be pricey but is very strong. It usually runs in several color options and can also be painted. While steel is very eye-catching, it may start to rust after 5-10 years.

Galvanized steel guttering
Design: Grand Tradition Homes

The most common gutter used today is probably aluminum. Most aluminum gutters are installed in a seamless type which reduces the chances of leaks. They also come in a variety of colors which in turn makes aluminum a great choice. The most popular color choices are white, black, or brown. It’s very affordable and can be very pleasing to the eye.

If you are wanting your gutters to stand out, you should consider color and material that creates some contrast with the exterior color of your house.


There are three basic guttering shapes. Each shape can portray a different look, so it really depends on what you are trying to achieve. The basic guttering shape is the K-Style. This is what you will probably see on most homes today unless they have been recently built or remodeled.

Our favorite style or shape is the Half Round paired with round downspouts. Half Round guttering is half-round tubes, just as the name suggests. You will see this on some historic homes and newer builds.

Design: Christopher Architects

The third shape is square. This style isn’t very common but could be used on a modern style home.

Downs Spout Placement

The placement of downspouts can also be a great way to turn your guttering into a design feature. The dormers on this home by Grand Traditional Homes splits the guttering on the front of the house. Instead of this being an issue, it was used as an opportunity to let the downspouts act as a design element.

Design: Grand Tradition Homes


There are also many different custom accessories available to enhance the visual appearance of your guttering. Some of these include rain chains, ornamental downspouts, letterheads, and decorative hangers.

To allow your guttering to make a statement, you should consider using some of these accessories.

So, as you can see, guttering doesn’t have to be an afterthought. If planned correctly, it can be used to enhance the curb appeal of your home!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Kim

    What shape gutter is on your current house? Is it k-shaped? Looks so pretty and I love how it blends in. Thanks:)

    May 29, 2020 at 7:42 pm
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