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  • Kitchen

    How to Build a Kitchen Island

    Creating a custom kitchen island back panel is a fantastic way to add a unique touch to your kitchen while enhancing its functionality. If you’re wondering how to build a kitchen island, starting with the back panel is a great first step.

  • Landscaping

    How to Edge a Flower Bed Like a Pro

    Sometimes, all it takes is a little definition to transform a bland space into a breathtaking garden. That’s where edging your flower bed comes into play. It’s like giving your garden a chic haircut; it instantly looks fresher, tidier, and more put together. Clean, crisp edges between your lawn and mulch will take your landscaping to another level. And the best part is that anyone can do it. Let me show you just how easy it is.

  • DIY

    How to Build a DIY TV Frame

    We have a Samsung Fame TV in our living room, and everybody loves it. So we were thinking about getting another one for our basement. However, we already have a perfectly good TV for this room. After giving it some thought, we opted to save a little money and make our own DIY TV Frame. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you exactly how I did it.

  • Paint

    Best Paint for Trim and Baseboards

    When it comes to giving a room that final touch of elegance and crispness, the trim and baseboards play a pivotal role. Not only do they frame your space, but they also endure a considerable amount of wear and tear, necessitating a paint that is both durable and capable of delivering a flawless finish.

  • Flooring

    How to Repair Hardwood Floors

    Hardwood floors add character and warmth to a home, but they are not immune to damage. Whether from furniture mishaps, heavy wear, or accidental gouges, there may come a time when your hardwood floors need to be repaired. And sometimes that damage can be so bad that an entire piece of hardwood needs to be replaced. This is true for both solid hardwood and engineered hardwood. The process, while meticulous, can be accomplished with the right tools and a careful approach, ensuring your floor looks as good as the day it was laid. In this tutorial, I’ll show you and explain how to repair hardwood floors by replacing a damaged plank, just like I recently did in my own home.